“this, the teacher is not in a hurry。 just before the school year on it。 thank you very m。 one day the empty i will go back to canada to visit you。(这个,教员我不急的。非常感激你,哪天我有空了,必然回加拿大去看您。”


“i'm very sorry to bother you, i want to help you。(非常抱愧打搅到你,我是想找你帮点忙。) ”

“this。。。 nanxi, do you really want to return to school? the teacher is very good for you, if you continue to read here, the future will be promising。 do you really think so?(这个…南溪,你真的要返国就读吗?教员非常看好你,如果你持续在这里读,前程必然会很有但愿的。你真的考虑好了吗?)”对方的语气有点焦急了。

“not what, what do you say?(没甚么的,有甚么事你说?)”对方的语气非常的驯良,可见阿谁威廉教员非常的喜好薇恬。


纷繁好少哦,但愿大师多存眷我!very much thank。


“hello, m, i'm nanxi。(译: 你好,威廉教员,我是南希,薇拓的外文名。)”薇恬现在打给她的班主任威廉。

“no thanks, bye bye, i have things to do。(不消谢,拜拜,我另有事。)”

“yes, teacher, i have considered very clearly。 i have left my parents for five years, i think it's ti back。 teacher, i thank you for my expectation and positive, however, i think i still return to better。(是的,教员,我已经考虑的非常清楚了。我已经分开我父母身边五年了,我想是时候改返来了。教员,我很感谢你对我的希冀与必定,不过,我想我还是返国比较好。)”薇恬的语气非常必定,但气质中又是那么的咄咄逼人。
